Soarin’ the GLO Sky for the Week Gone By

No posts in more than a week. That’s just not like me. I have a very good reason for not writing. Dan and I marked 35 years of marriage in October. To celebrate, we, along with our three offspring, spent five days at Walt Disney World. Coco, the puppy, spent her days at doggie day care. Since we stayed off-property at the Drury Inns and Suites (they are sooo pet friendly!), she was able to spend some time with us. I insist on WDW Park Hopper passes because I like being able to go between the parks. My favorite ride? Soarin’ in Epcot. It never gets old. On our last day there, between the morning at Animal Kingdom and our evening at the Magic Kingdom, we made a stop at Epcot to sneak an extra ride at Soarin’.


A typical Becque family fitbit during a tour of WDW. We cover about 10 miles a day.

A typical Becque family fitbit during a tour of WDW. We cover about 10 miles a day.

I’ve already covered the Disney-GLO myths in a past post. Walt wasn’t a fraternity man; he didn’t go to college. Although his two daughters were initiated into Kappa Alpha Theta, Let’s Go Fly a Kite, wasn’t written about Theta.

I took a slew of GLO related pictures at WDW, but the current lack of real internet service makes it extremely difficult to post them. They will surface someday.



Yesterday marked the anniversary of the tragedy of the Pan Am Flight 103 Over Lockerbie. For a past post about it, see

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