Kudos to the #IAmASororityWoman and #myFraternity Campaigns

The excitement of fraternity and sorority recruitment is in the air. I am not quite sure how it became August 9 so quickly, and I don’t think I will ever catch up with the to-do list before me. Delta Gamma’s #IAmASororityWoman campaign began on August 1 and as par for the course this year, I am late in acknowledging it.

However, I love this campaign! I share the stories of all Greek-letter organizations connecting the past to the present and the future. There are more than 1,400 posts on this blog and the search bar can help readers know more about their own and other GLOs. My #NotableSororityWomen posts for #WomensHistoryMonth highlight the amazing women who claim sorority membership. I hope to have links by organization soon, but if you want to see the profiles of women in your organization, search your organization’s name and add #NotableSororityWomen to the search and you will see those I’ve featured in the past.

I feel we all love our organization the most, and yet, we are all family. The more success our organizations have, the better for all of us. And when one of the chapters fails and falls short of living up to their values, we all suffer. The world at large does not know the difference in our letters. We are all painted by the same brush when things go awry. It is incumbent upon all of us to make sure that we live up to the ideals we espouse and recite with conviction. Kudos to Delta Gamma for their #IAmASororityWoman campaign.

The North-American Interfraternity Conference’s #myFraternity campaign is also a harbinger of fall recruitment.

The core of any of the fraternities and sororities is friendship – a brotherhood or sisterhood – with the promise that one can be connected to the organization throughout their lifetime. A well done fraternity/sorority experience is a gift to all involved. Hearing alums say, “I am a…” rather than “I was a…” is an indicator of a great experience as a collegian. Staying involved past graduation, mentoring young members, helping plan for the future of the organization and supporting it financially with donations are a way of paying forward what one receives as a collegian.

Membership should really be for a lifetime and not just something one does as a freshman or sophomore.

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