Greek Letter Organizations Founded in January

Happy New Year!  I thank you for reading this blog. And thanks to all of you who share these posts and tell others about them. I think it is imperative that members know about their organization (I do not, however, believe learning about this history should be used as a way to haze members.)

My time will be scarce this month, and I know I will not be able to do new posts for the organizations that celebrate Founders’ Day in January. Here are links to previous, but nonetheless interesting, posts.

1858, actual date unknown, Delta Tau Delta, Bethany College – A Delta Tau Delta on Anti-Fraternity Sentiment in Wisconsin, With a Century’s Perspective

January 1, 1869, Sigma Nu, Virginia Military Academy (Institute) – Sigma Nu, First Founders’ Day of 2017, and “Chic” Sale

January 2, 1897, Alpha Omicron Pi, Barnard College – Jessie Wallace Hughan, Pacifist, Social Activist, and Alpha Omicron Pi FounderMadeleine Z. Doty, Prison Reformer and Alpha Omicron PiFlorence Lucas Sanville to Celebrate Alpha Omicron Pi #AmazingSororityWomenGertrude Falkenhagen (Bonde), Alpha Omicron Pi

January 4, 1852. Phi Mu, Wesleyan College (The founding was publicly announced on March 4, 1852, the day that is celebrated as Founders’ Day.) – Grace Lumpkin, Phi Mu, on Founders’ Day, #amazingsororitywomen #WHM2017#WHM – Phi Mu’s Jerrie Mock, Aviator ExtraordinaireHappy Founders’ Day, Phi Mu and a Snippet About the Phi Mu Healthmobile

January 5, 1911, Kappa Alpha Psi, Indiana University – Calvin Coolidge and Kappa Alpha Psi Share January 5th

January 9, 1914, Phi Beta Sigma, Howard University 

January 10, 1899, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Illinois Wesleyan College – Tau Kappa Epsilon and Ronald ReaganTau Kappa Epsilon’s 116th Birthday and a Walgreens Connection

January 13, 1913, Delta Sigma Theta, Howard University – Happy 104th, Delta Sigma Theta!Delta Sigma Theta and Mary McLeod Bethune

January 15, 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha, Howard University – Hidden Figures on Alpha Kappa Alpha Founders’ DayAlthea Gibson on Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Founding Day,  Alpha Kappa Alpha’s New Dimensions of Service and Eleanor Roosevelt on Founders’ Day, Alpha Kappa Alpha Founders’ Day and a Little About the Gamma Kappa Omega and Beta Delta Chapters

January 16, 1920, Zeta Phi Beta, Howard University – Dr. Deborah Cannon Wolfe on Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.’s Founding Day,  Zora Neale Hurston and Zeta Phi Beta Zeta Phi Beta’s 95th Birthday, Its 1923 Expansion to Texas, and Violette Anderson, Happy 94th Birthday, Zeta Phi Beta and an Honor for Julia Carson, a Loyal Member

January 17, 1847, Delta Psi (St. Anthony Hall), Columbia University – Charles Kuralt and St. Anthony Hall at UNC

January 25, 1993, Gamma Alpha Omega, Arizona State University – After the Snow – John Collum, a Baby, and Gamma Alpha Omega

January 27, 1870, Kappa Alpha Theta, DePauw University – Dr. Placida Gardner Chesley, Kappa Alpha Theta, #amazingsororitywomen, #WHM2017,  A Toast on Kappa Alpha Theta’s 147th!,  Kappa Alpha Theta and the First Phi Beta Kappa Women, The “Mother of Nature Education” on Kappa Alpha Theta’s Founders’ Day, Julia Morgan, Pioneering Architect, Kappa Alpha Theta

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