Good Morning, Miss Information. And Good Riddance!

The amount of information on the internet is astounding. Research that would have taken hours and days in a library looking in books and at microfilm and microfiche now takes a few minutes. The downside is that there is so much misinformation out there. The old adage that a lie can circle the earth before the truth can get its shoelaces tied is so very true when it comes to rumors spreading on the internet.

In writing this blog, I try to showcase the collective history of Greek-letter organizations (GLOs – otherwise known as fraternities and sororities). The history fascinates me and I love writing and talking about it and lighting that spark in others. 

This morning, I discovered that someone on Reddit put up a link to my website in the “Things I Learned Today” page. And the fact was that “Let’s Go Fly a Kite was written for Walt’s Theta daughters.” Well, of course, it was NOT.  I have two posts that state as much! and Can you see the steam coming out of my ears?

It was the same steam that came out a few days ago when I was reading my twitter feed. A Panhellenic Council proudly tweeted that “Both female U.S. Supreme Court Justices are Greek.” Never mind that four women have served on the U.S. Supreme Court, the fact is only one belongs to a National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) organization. Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a  member of Alpha Epsilon Phi. Although there are rumors to the contrary, Sandra Day O’Connor is not a sorority woman. She attended Stanford University when there were no NPC chapters on campus. (Edited 10/27/2020 – Amy Coney Barrett is an initiate of the Kappa Delta chapter at Rhodes College.)

A quick internet search will show you that the false statistic about the number of U.S. Presidents who are fraternity members is still being touted on IFC (Interfraternity Council) websites across the country. See and to see that the pesky “All but two” statistic is patently false.

Thanks to all of you who steer members to this web-site. I appreciate your help in making fraternity history fun and spreading the word. Thanks for letting me vent. And did I mention a new Pinterest site with more than a 1,000 pins?

truth© Fran Becque, 2014. All Rights Reserved.

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