GLO Thoughts on a Rainy Day

I started thinking about writing a post about three hours ago. It’s the first day in weeks, maybe months, where I have sat at my desk and done nothing. It’s raining hard and by now I would have been on one long walk with the dogs, but neither of them is willing to venture out in a downpour. I’ve been thinking about a heartfelt sympathy note I received and the memorial service we had for a dear uncle last week and the loss of a Pi Phi friend earlier this month, and the birth of a grand-niece on Valentine’s Day.

Today, someone on twitter posted my least favorite graphic – the “Truth about Greek Life,” except that it isn’t. As Abe Lincoln said, “Don’t believe everything you see on the internet.”

And then I opened my copy of the 20th edition of Baird’s Manual of American College Fraternities to do some research. In it is a note written in 1987 by my dear Alpha Gamma Delta friend Nann Blaine Hilyard. She is also a P.E.O. and the reason that I am a P.E.O. today. Funny how life works.

A note written in 1987. It lives in my 1990 edition of Baird’s Manual.

Nann is always sharing info with me. In fact, she has supplied the name of the first woman I will profile for my #amazingsororitywomen series in March. She was reading a book (she is an avid quilter and reader ) and came across the fact that the book’s subject was a sorority member. Her note sent me on a quest to find out which organization it was. Come back on March 1 to see who I am profiling.

This week Nann also sent me this GLO humor cartoon and a link to an eBay auction. The auction was for an Alice Bird Babb spoon. She asked if there were six other spoons in the set, for the other P.E.O. founders. My answer was that I did not think so. I am fairly certain that Alice Babb was the only founder immortalized in sterling silver spoons.

A 1903 ad from the P.E.O. Record. The spoon has a likeness of Alice Bird Babb on it.

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