A Syracuse Pennant, a Phi Gam Badge and a 100 First Ladies

This weekend I was in Massachusetts for another family wedding. I visited Connecticut in October for the wedding of the November groom’s brother. At that reception I had a random conversation with someone who didn’t know me nor what I write about, and she spontaneously told me about her daughter’s wonderful sorority experience when I asked where her offspring went to college. I wrote about that experience a few posts ago.

At this wedding, I saw someone I hadn’t seen in years. She knows my interest in GLOs. On the day before the wedding, she told me that she had a bag of GLO related items she wanted to show me, but had forgotten them at home.

I told her to send me pictures and I would help identify the items as best I could. At the reception on Saturday, she showed me  two items she found in her jewelry bag when she was getting ready for the wedding.

The first was an easy one. It was a Phi Gamma Delta badge. The second item was a 1.5 x 2 inch piece of embossed leather with a Syracuse pendant on it. She might have come over to just show me the items, but then she gave them to me for safekeeping. 



An Alpha Gam friend who is a quilter posted an article about a quilt, First Ladies, that Caryl Bryer Fallert-Gentry designed and made to commemorate the centennial of the 19th Amendment.

Below are 100 names that she included on the quilt. I spy several sorority women on the list. (Visit the quilt website if you can’t read the names below and you are up for a challenge.) How many can you name? Use the contact form below.

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