A History of the Fraternity System at Southern Illinois University from 1948 – 1960

I hope to post the thesis as soon as I figure out how to do it. This is the abstract to whet your appetite.


Frances DeSimone Becque

The purpose of this study was to chronicle the history of the social fraternity system at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale during the years 1948-1960.  It includes a brief synopsis of events prior to 1948, the year Delyte W. Morris became President of the University.  The study concludes with the year the first four Small Group Housing buildings were completed.

The growth of the fraternity system is detailed including the Administration’s stance on home rule and non-discrimination, the consequences of which hindered several national men’s fraternities, including Sigma Pi and Sigma Phi Epsilon, in establishing chapters at SIU.  The quest for University-owned fraternity housing is chronicled. Also discussed are the mergers affecting the women’s fraternities,including the merger of the Association of Education Sororities and the National Panhellenic Conference and the merger of Delta Sigma Epsilon and Delta Zeta on the national level as well as the national merger of Pi Kappa Sigma and Sigma Kappa.

In addition, a brief history is given of all the men’s and women’s fraternities at SIU from 1923 until 1960. The Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council are discussed as are the Greek Week activities.

The Appendices include winners of the Service to Southern Award, Most Valuable Fraternity Man and Sorority Woman Award, Kappa Delta Alpha/Theta Xi Variety Show, and Greek Sing for the years from 1948-1960. The addresses of the fraternity groups are also listed as are the first residents of the Small Group Housing area. A compilation of the fraternal groups is given for the years 1948, 1960, and 1991.

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