An NPC Composite, a Sigma Nu Book, and Miss Sweetheart

Last week included a day drive to and from Kansas in rain storms to rescue a garage full of items that did not fit in our daughter’s moving truck and a trip to Florida that turned into a very quick trip due to Hurricane Dorian. We were in Florida for 14 hours and for some of those we were asleep. In good traffic, it’s a 16 hour drive each way. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of the Bahamas who have been dealing with Dorian’s wrath and those who will be dealing with it this coming week.

In between the two drives, I spent a few days at Pi Phi HQ in St. Louis. There I found this treasure in the pile of things waiting for me in the archives. It’s a composite of the NPC Chairmen in rotation. Note that the “official rotation” did not begin until 1908 with Anna Lytle (Tannahill Brannon), Pi Beta Phi’s delegate. She’s sixth from left in the top row. I suspect this composite was indeed a very big project, having to gather digital images of the women who served. Two women served twice. Amy Olgen Parmelee, Tri Delta, and L. Pearle Green, Kappa Alpha Theta. Parmelee’s first go-round as Chairman in 1905 occurred before the official rotation took place. She served in rotation during the 1914-15 year. Green’s tenure was twice in the official rotation, 1909 and 1947-49!

Kudos to NPC for creating this wonderful homage to the women who served the organization since 1902.

A New to Me Book

When I arrived home from Florida, a book was in the mail in our box. A Pi Phi friend in Monmouth, Illinois, found it in an antique store for $5 and messaged me with a picture, asking if I would like it. It’s a fun addition to my collection of fraternity and sorority histories and publications. While prices on online book sites can be astronomical, things can still be had for reasonable prices. Many items are also available in digital format, too.

The book has a 1936 publication date. I suspect it spent decades on a Sigma Nu’s bookshelf.

Miss National Sweetheart

Congratulations to the 2019 Miss National Sweetheart, Jane Kennedy, a Delta Gamma from University of California, Santa Barbara. She was First Runner Up in the 2019 Miss California competition. The Miss National Sweetheart contest takes place in Hoopeston, Illinois over Labor Day. The Hoopeston Jaycees coordinate the contest.

Jane Kennedy, the 2019 Miss National Sweetheart

Sorority Women Competing in Miss USA 2020

The state competitions for Miss USA 2020 are underway. Currently, the state winners include an Alpha Chi Omega and a Kappa Alpha Theta. Names will be added to the list as state winners and affiliation are identified.

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