1893 World’s Fair Closed 119 Years Ago, Fraternity Women Met for Second Time

One hundred and nineteen years ago, on October 30, 1893, the Chicago World’s Columbian Exposition closed at the end of the day. It commemmorated the 400th anniversary of Columbus’ arrival on his journey across the Atlantic Ocean.

The Columbian Exposition also marked the second organized meeting of Panhellenic women. On July 19-20, 1893, a group met. This gathering at the World’s Fair was one of the items discussed at the prior meeting that took place in Boston in 1891 at Kappa Kappa Gamma’s invitation.

A “Congress of Fraternities” during the Fair was not only discussed when the seven women’s fraternities met in Boston, but the idea was also mentioned in both men’s and women’s fraternity magazines. During the 1890s, fraternity magazine exchanges were the primary manner in which information was shared between the organizations.

More information about this meeting can be found at http://wp.me/p20I1i-hk

New York State Building, 1893 Columbian Exposition

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